A look inside our Butt Sweat Shop

A look inside our Butt Sweat Shop

Video message from Timmy:

Happy Thanksgiving Butt Lovers,


Here we are, month 11 out of 12 of the infamous 2020. We have seen struggles, things taken way too far and unfathomable, deep boredom. But we do have things to be thankful for... The Buttress Pillow is back in stock!


Timmy has been working day and night in our factory to bring you your butts just in time for the holidays. He makes the highest quality booties because... otherwise we'll put him on mine duty and no one wants that. Orders will ship out at the end of the month and get to you well before Christmas. Save Timmy, grab some booty and experience the magic of our one of a kind pillow.


Butts for all,


The Buttress Pillow


PS: See the rest of our videos in the Gallery