Some things are just good

Some things are just good

Happy Hump Day,


We don't like to get political, trust us. We would rather be face deep in between some plushy soft thighs.

There's been some bad news recently as we all probably know. In our modern world, there is too much that does not matter blinding us from what really matters. It's sometimes hard to see how precious life is under all the societal pressures, feelings of powerlessness, our perception that people are out to get us and the emptiness of feeling that nothing really matters.

Today we would like to remind everyone that there are good and beautiful things in life. Like ice cream, a cool breeze on a hot day, relaxing on the couch with your Buttress Pillow after a long days work and of course human butts.

We got 10 butts today because maybe we all need the simple, uncomplicated, and natural peace and happiness of a nice booty more than ever this week.


Butts for all,


Jia and Team Buttress